Ranging from Sparkling Wines, Table Wines, Icewines and others, Canada Berries focuses on the production, development and expansion of fruit table wine in particular. Each of our wines offers a unique experience with its own characteristics; each is incomparable with any other. They are the paradigms of their category of fruit, made with only the real fruit to truly express what each fruit has to offer. Enjoy what BC truly has to offer, cheers!
About us
Our Story
The paradigm of blueberry wine
Canada Berries nests upon the lush, rich agricultural land of Richmond in “Beautiful British Columbia”; which is world renowned for producing the best blueberries. Next to the mountains with ample rainfall, numerous varieties of blueberries and other berries all grow in the Fraser Valley region providing Canada Berries with the right ingredients for making the perfect berry wines.
Only with good raw materials can a good wine be made; Canada Berries uses the best of blueberries to make our wine. With our agricultural expertise, our varieties of blueberries grow to be made into wine. After harvesting, they are meticulously chosen based on colour selection and size; the right ripeness and at the right time.
With constant monitoring of temperature, time and progress, and frequent testing at each stage, consistent quality is ensured. Through our many years of research and development, our wines have been perfected to win prestigious awards every time they are entered in a completion. Only with time and experience will any recipe improve.
As you walk into our traditional charming cedar lodge – the Canada Berries Winery, you will notice a wide range of berry wines displayed in charming handcrafted barrels and fixtures. A pleasant aroma of various fruits may excite your taste buds as others may be enjoying our wine at the bar. Gently lit, you relax into your seat as you begin to learn about the unique experience of our wines that range from dry to off-dry. Within our collection, you may even consider a select few slightly sweet, like our blackberry or blackcurrant table wines. Nevertheless, you should always start with our not-to-miss best sellers, blueberry wine and cranberry wine.
Our Mission
Canada Berries is a group of BC-based entrepreneurs and wine lovers who understand that the magic of British Columbia offers even more than dazzling mountain ranges and lush landscapes. We wanted to offer our many international visitors something special to take home with them, something more unique and “West Coast” than traditional maple syrup. That’s why, with our unique wine-making system, we decided to take our bountiful BC blueberries and preserve them in a sleek, timeless fashion for everyone to enjoy…and we knew there was only one local farm that offered the best of the best: Canada Berries Wines in Richmond, BC.
The Best BC Specialties from Canada Berries
Our goal is to produce the best Berries products all over the world
We know that BC blueberries are quickly becoming one of the most famous features of our exhilarating West Coast culture. That’s why Canada Berries is expanding our vision to showcase this fruit, and we are currently developing our very own line of blueberry products to complement our wines, including honeys, jellies, and powders. Be on the lookout for these in the very near future.

BC wines are famous around the world, thanks to our pristine, abundant vineyards. Taking a wine tour through the mild atmosphere of southwestern region of British Columbia is one of the top items on any visitor’s “to-do” list.
The Wine
Canadians wines are not just about grapes anymore: irrigation techniques bringing crystal-clear artesian water from the coastal mountains to the Richmond delta have allowed British Columbia farmers to grow the most delicious blueberries anyone will ever find, and we knew that making the perfect wine from this perfect fruit would need the help of Canada Berries Wines, the BC masters of blueberry cultivation and fruit wines.
Distinctive by their gorgeous tint, their incomparable flavour, and—as a bonus—their multiple health benefits, our wines are steadily making British Columbia famous in a completely different way.
The Store
A visit to BC is complete only when you try one of our incomparable vintages. Our Richmond location is so ideal and convenient, you won’t need to travel to the Okanagan for a wine tour—instead, come by and visit us for a delicious taste of authentic British Columbia.